Turnaj Absolventov 2022 Posted on 24.06.2022 by Richard (Luzers) Zápasy Turnaja Absolventov, ročník 2022 Turnaj Absolventov 2022 DátumZápasVýsledokSezónaDejisko 2022-06-18 13:45:2918.06.2022 All 4 Milan - Bubáčikovia4 - 22022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 13:48:1318.06.2022 AB 94 Old Stars - Maturanti 20223 - 02022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:18:3318.06.2022 Oshikuru - SG Legends6 - 82022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 The Lúzers - Maturanti 20224 - 52022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 Coroonky - All 4 Milan5 - 22022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 The Lúzers - AB 94 Old Stars5 - 32022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 SG Legends - Bubáčikovia8 - 22022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 Zlatí hoši z Nagana - Maturanti 20224 - 32022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 Coroonky - Oshikuru3 - 42022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 P.A.F.O. - The Lúzers2 - 62022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 SG Legends - All 4 Milan6 - 22022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 Zlatí hoši z Nagana - AB 94 Old Stars3 - 22022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 Coroonky - Bubáčikovia10 - 12022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 P.A.F.O. - Zlatí hoši z Nagana3 - 72022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 Oshikuru - All 4 Milan2 - 42022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 P.A.F.O. - AB 94 Old Stars3 - 22022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 Coroonky - SG Legends3 - 52022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 Zlatí hoši z Nagana - The Lúzers6 - 62022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:27:1118.06.2022 Oshikuru - Bubáčikovia3 - 22022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:53:0618.06.2022 P.A.F.O. - Maturanti 20224 - 52022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:54:2118.06.2022 All 4 Milan - Zlatí hoši z Nagana1 - 42022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:55:1418.06.2022 Coroonky - Maturanti 20225 - 102022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:56:1218.06.2022 Oshikuru - The Lúzers3 - 52022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:57:0118.06.2022 P.A.F.O. - SG Legends3 - 52022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:58:1718.06.2022 Maturanti 2022 - SG Legends6 - 52022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 17:58:5118.06.2022 Zlatí hoši z Nagana - SG Legends3 - 62022Ihrisko Bilíkova 242022-06-18 18:57:0718.06.2022 The Lúzers - Maturanti 20225 - 72022Ihrisko Bilíkova 24